Q&A: Is there a natural cure for parasites on a kitten? The kitten looks like 2 months old and arrived at my home,r

October 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

Question by Heartbreaker: Is there a natural cure for parasites on a kitten? The kitten looks like 2 months old and arrived at my home,r
he arrived at my home beacuse it was raining. the poor thing has parasites, has like poop on its hear of something its very young kud someone help?

Best answer:

Answer by NeighborLady
“Dawn” dish soap.

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Natural cure for kitten with worms?

July 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

natural cure
by Will Merydith

Question by glitterybunnies: Natural cure for kitten with worms?
I am looking for a natural cure for a kitten (about 4 weeks old) that has worms.

Don’t say take it to the vet…This is about a NATURAL cure.

I am not opposed to essential oils or herbs or good old fashioned home remedies. Let me know what has worked for you…


Best answer:

Answer by sloppyjakekisses
I would just get the Drontal (less than .00) at the vet clinic. My best friend tried to deal with worms using “natural” treatments and nothing worked. She had hoped that one of the natural cures would work, and gave up.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!